We got an email from Reezwan Ghanty, a representative of VDM Publising or Alphascript, which is based in Mauritius, regarding our previous post warning people the existence of a book scam http://www.massage-research.com/blog/?p=1199
We feel very honored to get such a letter.. you decide whether they are scam and the public should be warned on the existence of such “books” available on the internet..
Thanks to Chris for pointing out this out: According to the letter from Alphascript “all our book covers indicate clearly that the content is derived from high quality wikipedia articles”..
This is misleading.. While all the cover have a slightly smaller print saying “HIGH QUALITY CONTENT BY WIKIPEDIA ARTICLES”, no where in the book do they mention the content is sourced from Wikipedia.
Here is the letter:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing on behalf of Alphascript Publishing. We took notice of your blog post recently published at http://www.massage-research.com/blog/?p=1199 and we would like to provide you with certain details pertaining to our publishing company and Wikipedia articles distribution.
We also noticed that your blog post mentioned a scam. We would like to point out that we are we are fully compliant with the Creative Commons License which regulates Wikipedia, its content and users contributing towards its content. The Creative Commons License clearly stipulates at Section 1.d that ‘copy[ing] and distribute[ing] the Document in any medium, either commercially or non commercially’ is permissible.
Our business aims at making available Wikipedia contents as widely as possible, making knowledge available through other mediums than the actual one used by Wikipedia. We invite you to consider the link below which points to the Creative Commons License.
Link to Creative Commons License
Your blog post mentioning a scam is misleading, all our book covers indicate clearly that the content is derived from high quality wikipedia articles. We request you to consider again the content of your blog post and make the necessary changes.
I shall remain at your entire disposal for any additional information.
Best Regards,
-- Reezwan Ghanty Social Media Manager VDM Publishing House Ltd. 17, Meldrum Str. | Beau-Bassin | Mauritius Tel / Fax: +230 467-5601 [email protected] | www.vdm-publishing-house.com