
Book Review: The Concise Book of Trigger Points

Simeon Niel-Asher, The Concise Book of Trigger Points, second ed., Lotus Publishing, Chichester, England, ISBN: 978-1-905367-12-2, 224 pages.

Anita Mehrez and Peter A. Mackereth

The Christie NHS Trust Foundation Trust, UK

As massage therapists, who also offer acupuncture, this book appeals on a number of accounts. First, the author has put together a very accessible book set out in 9 chapters; the first three setting out clearly the theory and physiology of trigger points (TPs). The six that then follow are organised around distinct muscle groups. Each 2 page spread features clear detailed colour illustrations by Amada Williams, depicting each major skeletal muscle, the zone of pain distribution and exercises to strengthen, including selfstretches. Second, the author skilfully explains each muscle’s origin, insertion, function and action, with an exploration of the physiological implications of TPs in each muscle, advice for the patient and treatment techniques.

Third, in ‘Putting it all together’ (Chapter 10) the author presents 4 new ‘Laws’ to determine the ‘how’ ‘why’ and ‘where’ of TP formation and advice on developing an effective TP therapy protocol. Finally a ‘manual and selfhelp’ section describes steps and sequences in tackling some of the most common painful conditions.

Overall, this is an excellent text that would be useful to students of massage/bodywork, physiotherapy, acupuncture, osteopathy as well as an excellent resource and reference for teachers. We both recommend this book highly…it certainly pressed some points for us.

the book is available from

Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2009, Page 48