
The Muscular System Manual

The Muscular System Manual, 3rd Edition. The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body

The Muscular System Manual by Dr. Joseph E. Muscolino makes the study of musculoskeletal anatomy easier and more engaging with a highly visual approach! This innovative, vibrantly illustrated atlas details the muscles and bones of the human body with unrivaled clarity and helps you build the strong anatomic understanding needed for success in practice.

Key Features

A full-color, student-friendly design with special icons that direct you to the CD and Evolve site, and checkboxes that help you to keep track of what you need to learn and what you have mastered. Notes on Functions section explains each muscle’s mover, antagonist, and stabilization functions to help you learn and retain content instead of just memorizing it.

Palpation boxes include numbered steps instructing how to palpate each muscle so you can apply this assessment skill in practice. Expert author, Dr. Joseph E. Muscolino, shares his 24 years of experience as an educator to make this the most complete resource on musculoskeletal anatomy available.

NEW & UNIQUE! Full-color anatomic illustrations drawn onto photos of the human body present muscles and bones in physical context to help students confidently identify musculoskeletal structures.

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