
Palpation & Assessment Skills

Assessment Through Touch, by Leon Chaitow, Now in the 3rd edition, fully revised and published in February 2010 with CD-ROM.

This useful guide to palpation for musculoskeletal diagnosis and assessment describes and illustrates the skills needed to increase sophistication of palpatory assessment skills and practice. A companion CD-ROM supports the skills with video clips, and each technique is reinforced with practical exercises and self-assessment questions.

This book is available from:

By combining a workbook approach with the use of video demonstrations and audio explanations on a CD-Rom, Palpation Skills provides the student and developing practitioner with a portable workshop which they can access at any time. The book helps to extend the range of skills by bringing together suggested approaches from a variety of disciplines.

* Covers the palpation and assessment of all tissues and systems, including the skin, muscle structure, and the spine and pelvis

* Gives practical guidance and instruction on a broad variety of palpation techniques

* All the palpation techniques covered are clearly described and illustrated in the text and supported by video film on the CD-Rom

* Each technique is supported by practical exercises and self assessment questions.

* Further questions relating to the video clips are included in the CD-Rom

* Directs the beginner in the correct way to carry out the techniques and provides additional techniques for the practitioner to add to his basic library of skills

* Provides outcome expectations against which progress can be measured.

* The video support can help to identify how to improve these skills.

* Written by a highly respected practitioner and teacher – brings his workshops to the individual at home and in the clinic

* 2 colour printing throughout the text helps to clarify the structure of the content and the details of the movements being shown in the diagrams

* The CD-Rom (featuring video clips) supports and supplements the written text.

This book is available from: